What to bring to settlement:

Please bring a valid government-issued photo Identification card. If you are expected to bring funds to closing, anything over $900 should be in the form of a certified check. A personal check may be written for anything lower than this amount.


If you, or someone who is required to sign any closing documents cannot make it to closing, we can prepare a Power of Attorney in advance to avoid any delays in settlement.

Loan payoff:

The loan payoff reflects your current principal and payoff balance that you owe to your current lender before settlement. The payoff must always be good through 10 days after your disbursement date.

How long is settlement?

Our closings typically take thirty minutes to one hour.

Seller Concession:

A seller concession is an agreement between buyer and seller for the seller to pay some or all of the buyers closing costs, up to the percentage allowed by the lender.

Wiring funds:

Wire transfers allow people in different geographic locations to easily transfer money to locales and financial institutions around the globe. For providing the service, banks will collect a fee, sometimes based upon the size of the transfer being made.

Power of Attorney (POA):

A legal document giving one person (called an “agent” or “attorney-infact”) the power to act for another person (the principal). The agent can have broad legal authority or limited authority to make legal decisions about the principal’s property and finance.

We can have a specific Power of Attorney (POA) prepared if either you or someone else cannot attend the closing.